
Make regular donation(s)

Any donation can be made to our CBC bank account (ICI ASBL) n ° BE32 7320 6173 5602 (BIC : CREGBEBB), with the following communication: “donation”.

Your benefits

From the first euro: periodic mailing (frequency to be defined) on the progress of the project. This will continue when the dispensary is operational:

  • from 50 euros: periodic mailing and access to a private video reserved for donors (not listed on YouTube or on the channel) with exclusive content ;
  • from 500 euros: the advantages listed above and the donors will be mentioned on our website ;
  • from 1000 euros: the above advantages and access to the annual accounting report to see how the money is invested. Donors will be listed as Silver Sponsor on our website ;
  • from 5,000 euros: periodic mailing, access to private videos and the financial report, donors will be listed as Gold Sponsor on our website and gift box of local items ;
  • from 10,000 euros: all the advantages already mentioned. Donors will be listed as Platinum Sponsor on our website and gift box of personalized local items and invitation to a dinner with members of the association.
  • from 20,000 euros: all the benefits already mentioned. A plaque with the donor’s name and logo will be affixed at the entrance to the medical centre.
  • from 50,000 euros: all the advantages already mentioned. The donor will be systematically associated with each communication event.
  • from 100,000 euros: All the advantages already mentioned. A pavilion may bear a name chosen by the donor (after approval by the Board of Directors of the ICI and ICI-RDC associations).