What practical help can be given to victims of war crimes and sexual violence?

Did you know that there are laws for waging war?

Of course, you don’t do it any old way!

One branch of international law brings together the rules that belligerents must observe in the conduct of hostilities.

This is the law of war.

Numerous laws were adopted during the Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907 and during the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

They help to set limits to the barbarity of war.

The laws of war prohibit wilful killing, rape and other sexual violence, torture and inhumane treatment of captured combatants and civilians in detention, looting and pillaging.
These treaties also protect persons who are not or are no longer participating in hostilities, such as the wounded and sick.

Anyone who deliberately orders or commits such acts, or aids and abets them, is responsible for war crimes.

We are (re)discovering these acts with the current war in Ukraine.

Yet such monstrous acts are common elsewhere.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, these atrocities have unfortunately been commonplace for over 25 years.

Interface Compassion Internationale has a twofold objective in helping women victims of sexual violence in the DRC.

Firstly, we want them to be able to receive a microcredit and training or personalised support. This will enable them to escape their misery with a concrete professional objective.

Secondly, to enable them to have access to medical care through our project to build a medical dispensary in Kalehe (60 km from Bukavu).

The income generated by the professional activities of these women will allow them to partially cover the operating costs of the medical centre thanks to their membership of a solidarity mutual.

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See you soon.

The team ICI ❤